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English Diary Ⅰ

时间:2015-06-17 09:41来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

english diary ⅰ
october 16th, saturday

    today is saturday. i got up very early. when i pushed open my window, a light went into my room. oh, the sun was shining brightly. i thought i would have a good feeling all day because i would go to the city wildlife park. i was so happy that i forgot the time. it‘s seven o’clock. i must take a bus. as soon as i got on the bus, the bus moved. i was just on time. at about half past eight, we arrived.

    at first, i visited the golden monkey house. there were all kinds of golden monkeys in it. the monkeys looked like some naughty children. they climbed up and down and made us laugh. then i saw a show called “animal show”. it was quite interesting.

    in the afternoon, i took a bus to visit the safari park. i could see tigers, lions, deer and many other animals.

    the animal i liked best is the parrots. they could speak. oh, so lovely!

    when i came back, i realized deeply that human beings should take good care of animals because all of them are our best friends, and to protect them is to protect ourselves.

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