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时间:2014-04-04 08:38来源:乐学点击:字体:[ ]
The Strong and the Weak
    In life we are faced with misery and happiness as well as choises and tests. One has to fight against fate with courage. The strong is decisive and brave enough to put his plan into action. However adverb the circumstance, be firmly believes that action is more reliable than luck. If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. The more miserable you feel, the more you understand the inner meaning of happiness and the happier you are about success.
    Tears clean the face of the weak but refresh the strong. The weak try hard to avoid pain and conflict. They would rather go without than have a hard time in bettering themselves. Such life is easy but of little meaning. They cannot experience the joy and inspiration of life. It is not the case with the strong. They are dauntless and brave pressing forward in the storm of difficulties and setbacks.
    I admire the strong and will be strong myself. I will get rid of the entanglement of fate, abandon hopeless desircs and accept the joys and sorrows in life, so I can see my own strength and then my heart will be filled with happiness.

