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动态描写:大陈岛纪游-A Visit to Dachen Islands

时间:2012-04-26 09:53来源:好好学习点击:字体:[ ]
A Visit to Dachen Islands
Last summer, the weather was hotter than usual, so some of my friends and I decided to go to the Dachen Islands and spend a few days there.
On our way, we looked out of the ship's windows and saw many little green islands on the sea.
With a loud whistle the ship went into the harbor. Through the windows, I saw many fishing boats sailing here and there. They went out of the harbor with hope and came back with loads of fish. On the market I saw a lot of baskets full of fish.
The next day, we all got up early and went to the beach near the hotel to watch the sun rising. We looked to the east. The clouds were reddish, and then turned bright red. Soon the sun slowly appeared and began to rise. The sky around the sun was very bright and the sun looked like a big ball. The sight was so beautiful that we would never forget.
Not only is the scenery beautiful on the Dachen Islands, but also the people there are very kind.
During our stay we enjoyed the beautiful scenery and ate a lot of sea food. To our disappointment, we had to leave the islands, but we'll always remember this trip and the people there.

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